National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>Update, GC contacted NHRP and got them to resend the information. She contacted D2 to sign the form and it’s been sent back to NHRP. So, hopefully that’s taken care of and we’ll get the official designation in the fall.</p>

<p>The College Board says that they have not received a nomination form from my high school. Do I need to take action now, or is waiting acceptable?</p>

<p>Waiting is fine, you can still get NHRP if you have your GC contact NHRP first thing in the fall. Our GC did this last year for a student that forgot to mark Hispanic on their PSAT, and I have had posters here on CC ask and then report back that they were recognized.</p>

<p>Do they look at your SAT scores before designated scholars? My GPA is perfect but due to some extenuating circumstances I bombed the SATs with an 1810, significantly lower than the 198 I got on the PSATs</p>

<p>NHRP never requests SAT scores, and I’ve never heard that they use them like they do for NM.</p>

<p>So the different between being an honorable mention and a scholar is just GPA?</p>

<p>Yes, just gpa is used. A weighted 3.0 is the cutoff.</p>

<p>hi, I have a couple of questions about NHRP:</p>

<li><p>I don’t remember if I put Hispanic on my PSAT. I read in this forum that it’s ok and I can still ask my GC to update my info to College Board, but would NHRP still consider me? I live in NC and I got a 199 on my PSAT and my GPA is above 3.8, so I’m pretty sure I’m above cutoff and my GPA is fine, but I just wanted to know if I’m still eligible for NHRP status.</p></li>
<li><p>what does NHRP do for students, exactly? is it just a status students can put on their college apps, or can it provide scholarships? do colleges view it as a huge honor?</p></li>

<p>I didn’t put hispanic down when I took the test, but I did tell my guidance counselor about it and we sent the request forms in. I have not received anything back from the NHRP. Should I have?</p>

<p>Also, how does the NHRP work if I also made the National Merit Cutoff?</p>


  1. Yes, even if you didn’t put Hispanic on your PSAT, you can have your GC email NHRP and they will still consider you. If your school has closed for the summer, do this ASAP in the fall when school starts. See post #196 above for the email address. Yes, a 199 qualifies:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<li>Yes it provides scholarships:</li>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>NHRP shows that you were among the top 5000 Hispanic scorers on the PSAT. Cut offs are lower than NMS, but NHRP status often provides the same or more merit scholarship opportunities than NMS.</p>

If you signed and your GC sent in the form that indicates your gpa and that you are Hispanic, then I think that’s all you need to do for the time being. At least that’s all my D2 has done, and it was just before her GC left in the summer, so they wouldn’t have received an acknowledgment of any kind. Have your GC can call NHRP and ask about your status immediately in the fall to make sure that you are being considered. Official recognition isn’t until mid-Sept.</p>

<p>NHRP and NM are separate entities. NHRP scores are lower than NM commended level, see the above thread.</p>

<p>If you get a mail from the college boards (PSAT) indicating your D/S scored in the top 50k students taking the test then that would mean they are likely at least a NM commended scholar (if their GPA and other things are in order I believe). I got a letter like this, it even indicated possibility of being a finalist but I know that MA score for NMSQ were high, like 221, so not expecting finalist…every little bit helps…</p>

<p>My daughter (50% Puerto Rican) was notified right before school let out that she’s a contender. I think she will meet the requirements - she had a 205 PSAT and has a 3.94 GPA.</p>

<p>I am interested in hearing what good schools are still offering full ride scholarships for National Hispanic Award winners. I just found out today that University of Alabama no longer has that scholarship.</p>

<p>I did a pretty comprehensive list last year. Each year it changes so you need to pick out the schools that interest you and contact them to see if the scholarship is still offered. Also your daughter should check her email and mail, my son received a ton of mail about NHRPand this mail specified what would be offered.</p>

<p>Unless someone this year updates, my list and the subsequent posts by other people is the best info about NHRP on CC. Of course the other thing to consider is that some schools will give students of the NHRPcaliber additional merit scholarships which will then make up a full-ride or pretty close to it. My son is attending Ohio State this fall and he got pretty close to a full-ride based on merit scholarships. Our bill is only $750 for the year. Yeah!! He received an NHRP award and then was invited to compete for one of the bigger merit scholarships at the school which he did received. So be sure to look at scholarships from that angle also.</p>

<p>There is no one website like National Merit which lists all the NHRP offerings.</p>

<p>Auburn made a small tweak to their scholarship requirements for NHS–it now requires a 3.5 gpa, 30 ACT and/or a 1330 SAT. They only require a 3.0 for National Merit/Natl Achievement, but to be a NHS you need a 3.5 anyway…Hope these offers don’t completely dry up in the years ahead.</p>

<p>My child has the scores and GPA to qualify for a National Hispanic Scholar. I checked with his school to see if they had received the information from the College Board asking for verification, and his counselor said the person who handled that is no longer there. Is there a way to check with the College Board to see if they got the info? Thanks for any information.</p>

<p>Here is the contact information for NHRP:</p>

<p><a href=""></a>

<p>Even if they haven’t gotten the information yet, she should still have time to receive recognition.</p>

<p>Thank you, entomom.</p>

<p>When will students who applied for NHRP be informed of whether or not they made it? Is it this month?</p>

<p>The timeline for NHRP (which you don’t apply since it depends on your
PSAT score) is as follows:</p>

<p>Junior Year Oct: Take PSAT and make sure you put you are hispanic on paperwork.
Junior Year about 6-8 weeks later: Receive PSAT score. You can see previous years scores for your state to try to figure out whether you are in the running for NHRP.
Junior Year Spring: High School counselors are notified by College Board as to whom qualifies for NHRP. Students and counselor have to fill out paperwork which I think is called a verification. Paperwork is filed with NHRP.</p>

<p>Senior Year Summer before Senior Year: Should start receiving emails and mail from colleges with NHRP “offers” or other relevant mailing.</p>

<p>Senior Year October-November: H.S. Counselors received certificates from College Board indicating student has achieved NHRP status. Usually counselors distribute certificates to students.</p>

<p>Senior Year Fall: Letters and emails continued to be received from colleges with NHRP mentioned and potential offers.</p>

<p>If student forgot to indicate they were hispanic you can notified college board to correct it up to a point. I think it is too late by January of senior year. </p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>FYI, reposting regional cutoff scores for the Class of 2011:</p>

<p>Here are the 2011 cutoff scores for each region, straight from the College Board.
Region 1 - New England - 184
Region 2 - Mid Atlantic - 184
Region 3 - South - 193
Region 4 - Southwest - 182
Region 5 - Midwest - 193
Region 6 - West - 184</p>