National Merit choices

<p>I am a junior and just recieved notice that I am a candiate for NMS for next year. I will talk to my guidance officer but all she told me so far is to give her 2 schools that I want to apply to. I just started my search so I am not sure of a top choice. Of the schools I am considering and some I have visited are Princeton, Tufts, Bucknell, Lafayette, Amherst, MIT. But I am sure I will be adding to that list. Should I name 2 from this list if they participate or put undecided and wait till May for the deadline? Does the schools you designate 1 or 2 change whether you get an award or not? I have read thru this forum and am still confused. Thanks, new at this.</p>

<p>Put undecided and wait for the deadline. You'll have to update the selection anyway to your final choice to get any NM scholarship they are willing to give.</p>