<p>Is it in my son's best interest to name a school that gives a high NMF award(Vandy)? If he doesn't get additional merit money, he won't be able to attend and we won't know that until probably April 1. Alternatively, our state U only guarantees $500 award and I don't want to lose even that if he ends up there. I'm sorry, but could anyone could enlighten me on this? Thanks :)</p>
<p>My son has been noticed as a MNF last week. Currently he list ‘undecided’ for the first choice. He got accepted from UT but still waiting for Rice. He is wondering whether to send in first choice (UT) or wait until April to send first choice (Rice) if he got accepted from Rice.</p>
<p>Most schools allow you to name them as your “first choice” school sometime in April and still qualify for their NM scholarship. So the best strategy at this point is to leave the choice as “undecided”. Wait for your school acceptance that come in March and April. Then make your decision and name the school that you select as your first choice school.</p>
<p>First, make sure that you call up Vanderbilt and ask if there is any cut-off date as far as naming them your first choice. I would be open with the financial aid office and explain the situation. I would also call your state U and ask the same question. Don’t assume that the cut-off date is in April or May, some schools want to be named as first choice in March.</p>