National Merit Technology Award Process

Does anyone know how & when the $1000 technology $$ for NM is awarded?

In 2015, when my daughter was an new student / NM Scholar, the technology award was a choice of several items, and she had to check on box during the summer choosing her item and then collect the chosen item a week or so after fall arrival. We’d already bought her her “college computer” earlier in the summer (so she could get it all set up at home), so the timing wasn’t critical for us, so all was good.

Now, however, that they give the cash award, I’d like to use it towards buying my son (entering UA in August, also a NM Scholar) his college computer. I don’t think it makes sense to wait until the chaos of his first weeks on campus to buy him his main computer . . . So, I’m hoping there is a way to get reimbursed the $1000 later, or get it before August . . . Anyone have any experience with this process? (Was it like this last year? Or is this the first year?)

Anybody know anything?


The award is not a cash award; it is a credit that must be used at the Supe store. The stipend becomes available a few days before classes start, and the students must use it within a certain time frame (I would need to find the paperwork, but I think it was about 6 weeks from the start of school). Ds did not find a computer at the Supe store he wanted, so he purchased one elsewhere. He did use the stipend to purchase a TV, and iPad, a Roku, and some other miscellaneous tech items.

Thank you!! Very helpful!!

^ You can buy a TV at the Supe?!

@aeromom Well, they had one in stock this past fall…