<p>New game. Do you agree or disagree with the following:</p>
<p>"If you have over 500 posts in under one year (i.e. from the time you joined CC), you need a girlfriend/boyfriend."</p>
<p>I say FACT. Get a life, kids.</p>
<p>New game. Do you agree or disagree with the following:</p>
<p>"If you have over 500 posts in under one year (i.e. from the time you joined CC), you need a girlfriend/boyfriend."</p>
<p>I say FACT. Get a life, kids.</p>
<p>Hate to break it to you, but you’ve only been here for about a month, and you’ve already got 61 posts.</p>
<p>That makes 732 for a full year. :x</p>
<p>^ maybe that’s how he knows the truth of his statement…</p>
<p>lol so omaplata, are you suggesting that all the cc multi-posters hook up?</p>
<p>Fiction because I have a girlfriend and have like 300 or so posts in <than a month</p>
<p>^ You need another girlfriend. :p</p>
<p>Nope, I’m stopping at 100 posts on the dot.</p>
<p>^ …and then posting under another username after that.</p>
<p>I think I’m safe! I have about 1600 posts but i’ve been here for like 3.5-4 years (and had like 3 boyfriends in that time, I think, lol).</p>
<p>You made a post telling others to get a boyfriend/girlfriend, and then telling us to “get a life.” Interesting…</p>
<p>I’ve been here a while and post a lot but I’ve also got a girlfriend so… yeah.</p>
<p>Why does everyone here think having a boyfriend/ girlfriend automatically makes them socially redeemable or functional?</p>
<p>I mean, if you want to play WoW and warhammer and watch hours of TV and rot and use the fallback “there is a human who can actually bear my existence” as a fallback, then go for it. lol. I guess now I’ll probably get flak for upsetting some people’s reality.</p>
<p>A lot of idiotic and unattractive people have SOs. I doubt it has anything to do with their posting or not posting on a msg. board. With college students today, chances are they are probably wasting insane amounts of time on Facebook.</p>
<p>True, this could just mean you have somebody else to sit around with and play WoW all day.</p>
<p>I am way too lazy to calculate the number of posts. I’m sure I do post a lot, but I like to think that I’m just a well-rounded individual. :P</p>
<p>I vote “fiction”.</p>
<p>I think there’s no correlation between the two. Aside from that, 500 posts in year means making one post a day for most days of the years, and on some days, two. I hardly see how that’s excessive or how those one or two posts would take that much time out of your day. icanread is right; most college students are probably bumming around facebook for long periods of time.</p>
<p>I’m definitely at that rate, but I’ve had a girlfriend for almost a year and a half. Hmm…</p>
<p>so…anyone here need a gf and/or bf? 0.o</p>
<p>I propose a new correlation…the more posts the more likely the person is to have a gf/bf?</p>
<p>Haha just kidding.</p>
<p>oh oh <em>raises hand</em> maybe you should add in a detail about whether or not that gf/bf is only an online-bf/gf?</p>