<p>Make sure that you're wringing as much as you possibly can out of the non-GPA factors. You need to convince adcoms, among other things, that your grades were due to your situation and that you have the ability/motivation to succeed at their school. Teacher recs, interviews, essay, GC rec (is your GC familiar w/your situation?), SAT2s, senior year grades...all opportunities to seize.</p>
<p>Re: essay...your angle sounds perfectly logical b/c it ties in so strongly to who you are, what you want out of college, etc. If that is what you decide to write about, a few thoughts:</p>
<li><p>Remember that it's not only content that counts. You have a very moving story, but you'll need to tell it and write it well (just a reminder, although some of your awards suggest that you'll be fine in this department).</p></li>
<li><p>You don't need to make your low GPA the focus. Tell your story in whatever way feels natural, and if the situation/GPA link isn't clear enough, then you can include a brief addendum in which you refer back to the essay. Your GC should also address the situation, which may render an addendum unnecessary. Talk to him/her about this. Bottom line: you have far too interesting of a background to risk it being interpreted as an excuse for low grades, so whatever you do, make sure you gather a few trusted opinions re: your essay, addendum, or what have you.</p></li>
<p>Again...if you're interested in some reachy schools, don't be 100% disheartened. I had a terrible semester in my freshman year, but a higher cumulative GPA and a less interesting overall story. Even so, I was rejected at a safety and accepted at a reach. This can be a mysterious process even for those whose numbers are in order, so realize now that you need to fall in love with some safe bets, but also that there's little/no point in comparing your stats/chances/whatever with others', because your situation is particularly unique.</p>
<p>Lastly, have you considered a gap year? If you're on a relatively new upward trend, having all of your senior year grades + recs from teachers who see your renewed motivation could help you. That said, there are certainly good schools that fit your criteria and would happily accept you outright. Just trying to get all cards out on the table. Other questions: is FA important; and do you have any feelings about religiously-affiliated schools?</p>
<p>Specific schools aren't jumping to mind, so I apologize for the vagueness. The *Colleges That Change Lives<a href="Loren%20Pope">/I</a> suggestion is a good one. I do wish you the best :)</p>