<p>Hey. I'm a Singaporean student looking to study Architecture in a US Uni. However, I'm pretty lost, as to which schools would be a good match. Over here the only schools we hear about are Ivy Leagues. Also, I'm sitting for the A level examinations and our education system here is such that we don't have as much time to explore interests outside school as vigorously as the students overseas do.</p>
<p>Assuming, I get straight As for all my A level subjects, and that this will reflect on my SAT scores (taking 4 Sat IIs), I'm looking for opinions on which college is a good match.</p>
<p>Predicted for As (taking max number of units)
Lit: A
Math: A
Phy: A
Chem: A
H3 Lit: A (Uni standard lit research paper)
2nd Lang: B</p>
1) Writer's Circle:
-Leadership position for 2 years: creative director
-A* Star Science Fiction competition : Commendation
-24Hr Playwriting competition: 2nd Youth category
-NTU Model UN Conference: 1)Best Press Team 2)Best Press Corps</p>
<p>2) Taekwondo:
- Leadership position: Secretary
- Nationals 1st Overall team, 4th placing for 3 categories</p>
<p>3) Voluntary Work (self initiated):
- Leadership position: Team Leader
- 1 week in Thailand, under Habitat.</p>
<p>4) National Cadet Corps (13-16 years of age)
- Leadership position: Part A NCO, Secretary, 1st Sergeant</p>
<p>Thanks alot,though I think my chances of getting into a good US uni is pretty darned slim.</p>