Need Advice for Berkeley Admission Dilemma - Dream School Hangs in the Balance [conditional on summer physics course that is hard to find available seats in]

Oh, that looks like the timing probably wouldn’t work out. Do you think it might be different for transfer students?

I realize this is a long shot, but by any chance would AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physic C: Electricity and Magnetism cover the appropriate content? If so, UC Scout offers both of these as online courses over the summer, I think. Not even sure if a non-high school student would be eligible…just trying to think of additional options.

Courses | UC Scout - University of California

But the OP would not be able to take the associated AP exams.

Additionally, a sum of 9 or higher on the two physics AP scores counts only for Physics 7A for the chemistry major at UCB: Exam Credit Info | College of Chemistry

Physics 1B in the image is the class I need to take. As you can see, Physics 1B fulfills the requirements for both 7A and 7B, so it’s essential for me to enroll in this course. I have already received confirmation that I can enroll in an available section of the English course.
Yesterday, when I submitted my SIR to UCB, there was a section where I had to explain why I might not meet the conditions of admission, and I provided a detailed explanation through a form. Now, I’m eagerly awaiting a response from UCB. In the meantime, I have been consistently emailing the professor of the waitlisted Physics 1B class, seeking a definitive answer regarding my enrollment prospects (however, since the summer school is still a while away, the professor also seems uncertain about the situation).
I also shared my situation on the UC Berkeley Reddit community, and it appears that many students in similar situations have filled out and submitted forms due to not meeting the conditions of admission. The responses varied, but I came across some optimistic replies suggesting that Berkeley might offer alternative solutions.
While UCLA is also one of the schools I wanted to attend, UCB was my first choice, so I’m determined to explore all possibilities until the end. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your concern and advice. I truly appreciate the extent to which you have assisted me. Thank you so much.

Follow the other advice given. Mine was just a long shot. There is always the Provost. Don’t want to make waves with the Dean but maybe they have some suggestions. I still like contacting some Physics professors and see if they can help with other locations. Again, along shot.

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Somehow I am not able to post a pic :frowning:

I am truly thankful for your input and all these helps. God bless you!!

I wasn’t thinking they needed to take the AP exams – just the course content itself.

Anyway, I figured it was a very long shot.

What image?

What community college?

Did you take Physics 1A before at the same community college? If so, this may be a case where Physics 1A + 1B at the community college covers all of the topics of UCB Physics 7A + 7B, but the ordering of topics differs so that either 1A or 1B does not match 7A or 7B.

As you can see it’s a group effort. I wish you good luck. It’s a hard situation