Need advice on first semester schedule

Long time lurker parent.

My son wants to sign up for 17.5 hours first semester which makes me nervous.
Would this be too much?

CBH 101 - 4 hours
CS 100 - 4 hours
Math 227 - 4 hours
GBA 171 - 1.5 hours
CC 201 - Intro to Cyber Crime

Total: 17.5 hours

I know CBH 101 and 102 count for CS 100, but taking CS 100 first semester would keep us on track to complete the CS courses on the recommended flowchart.

He was considering replacing CC 201 with Math 301.

Either way, is 17.5 hours too much?

Would it be better to drop the CC 201 elective and just do 14.5 hours?

He is a capable student, but I am worried taking too many hours the first semester with all the adjustments to college life might be too much.

Oops ^forgot to add future of engineering 111 - 1 hour, and that CC 201 is 3 hours, so that makes 17.5 hrs total.

First of all congrats and welcome to CBH. To address CBH101, the majority of the work will be after Thanksgiving break through the last day of finals. It can be, for some, a very stressful time finishing the project while studying for finals at the same time. My son took 17 hours first semester and did well but there were some VERY trying times.
Good luck and ROLLTIDE!

Thanks - will back down to fewer hours then.

In any case I wouldn’t replace cc201 with more math.
Since cbh counts for cs100 does he need to take that class ? I think the hardest part would be combining CS, advanced math, and cbh.

If CBH 101/102 is equivalent to CS 100, DO NOT DO CS 100!!!

CS 100 is a ridiculously difficult course, and is oftentimes made even more difficult by less than stellar instruction. If it’s not necessary, don’t do it - the instruction for CBH 101/102 will be far superior. My son is a CS major, and had a difficult time with a couple of the intro classes . . . he would have done anything to have had the chance to do the CBH flowchart instead!

I’d definitely keep the Cyber Crime class, and if he’s willing to drop CS 101, he could add Math 301 in its place.

I’m also wondering why he has Math 227 on his schedule - last time I looked, it wasn’t required for a CS major.

I would rethink the schedule - stick to b** classes that are required for his major; b** classes that fulfill any outstanding Gen Ed requirements; and b** any Honors seminars or other electives that interest him. I would avoid ANY unnecessary math or CS classes.

Thanks @MYOS1634 and @dodgersmom !!

I didn’t realize the grind he was getting set up for with CS 100 - will definitely talk to him about it.

The reason he was going to do CS 1st semester is so he wouldn’t be a semester behind on the flow chart, since CS 100 (or CBH 101/102) must be taken before CS 101. He could take CS 101 next fall but will be a semester behind on the flow chart.
After hearing many opinions on the matter, I think not taking CS 100 is the right way to go.

Maybe he will do:
CBH 101
Math 227 (trying for a math minor)
Math 301 (if it opens up - all full now)
CS 121
GBA 171
And either CC 201 or honors deductive logic

Total: 16.5 hrs - sounds better!

Again thanks to all…

^^ Pop’s DS & my DS were roomies and had a few of the same classes. CBH definitely backloads the work (so keep up and attack the project as quickly as you can). DS took that approach and had a chance to help other CBHers at the end with their projects. DS took Dr. Corson for both Calc. 2 & 3 and did extremely well with him (I would highly recommend), and yes, welcome to CBH. 14.5 hrs. first semester and 16.5 second and son was happy with those.

Its not that much. some classes have a lab component, which is what the extra credit hour is for. I have to do 18 credit hours for my spring freshman semester (Essential Biology and General Psychology had 4 credit hours each, and 3 credit hours each in English, Statistics, and Spanish, along with the University Seminar’s 1 credit).

Great advice all around - thanks all!

May add a UH class.

I wonder now if one can take UH 100 more than once for credit since different sections have different topics…

Either way, the path became clearer!

Yes, any of the courses that have different sections with different topics can be taken more than once.

Hello Crimsonhyde! If majoring in CS with math minor I would recommend the following, take both CS100 and Math 301 as soon as possible. Neither are very difficult courses. My son took both of them fall freshman semester and did well. Don’t think I would take two courses (CBH 101 and 102) to get out of CS100. Plus taking CS 100 will provide some background for CS 101 which IS a difficult course and many students struggle in. Math 302 can not be taken until CS101 has been completed. In order to take CS 201 you must complete Math 301 first. With quite a few prereqs take what is required for the degree as soon as possible and then fill in with electives or minor requirements. I am not familiar with how CBH requirements fit in here but I assume he comes in with enough prereqs to make these programs work together. Best of luck and check for openings in full courses frequently!

Did son go to a truly rigorous high school? If so, then he can probably handle it. If not, ditch CS 100.

DD, who is taking the CBH - pre-mend route, is surrounded by HS valedictorians at Bama who went to schools that were no where near as rigorous as her HS. At her high school, most of these valedictorians would have been in the top 15 - 20% range; even with their inflated GPAs. They struggled first year with the heavy workload and the back-end loading in CBH; even those that were considered “math geniuses” in their high school. There is a pre-disposition to take those AP credits and jump directly to 2nd year math courses. My advice is to take the 1st year courses, ace them and store up some GPA points for when you run into a killer course later in the 4-year adventure. There is nothing wrong with a refresher course and there will always be at least one killer course out there.

Much to ponder here … Thanks @Claire3 and @menefrega !

@Claire3 - this student isn’t taking CBH 101/102 to “get out of CS 100.” He is is taking CBH 101/102 because he is one of a very select few students who was offered the opportunity to participate in the CBH program. Given that the material covered is the same, and the instructors who teach the CBH courses are among the best at the university, bar none, there’s simply no need to take CS 100.

@crimsonhyde - if you have any concerns at all about your son’s schedule, you should contact Ms. Batson. She’ll be able to advise you far better than any of us as to what is or is not appropriate for a first-semester CBH student, and I know she’d be happy to speak with you.

Ps -because of the newness of my account, I am apparently not permitted to respond to private messages yet, but to all those who messaged me privately, I thank you.

I know the Math 227 seems a bit unnecessary for a CS major, but he is pondering getting a math minor, so he would need math 227 and a 300 level math to complete the sequence (apparently now math 355 counts for the stats requirement instead of GES 255 - so he may go that route - taking calc 3 while calculus is still fresh in the brain).

He is also pondering doing CS 101 at a local university next summer so he wouldn’t be a semester behind on the flowchart.

Mainly, I wanted to know if CS 100 and CBH 101 in the same semester would be too much. Sounds like many people think it would, and with no prior programming experience, having him ease into things with CBH 101/102 might be best.

CBH 101/102 would cover at least as much as CS 100, which is why students who were selected for CBH don’t have to take CS 100.
Taking both the same semester is not only too much, but also pointless.
UCBAlumnus often advises that students ask the professor of the calculus class previous to the one they plan to take, to share a retired final for that class - ie., if the student wants to take Calc3, asking for the retired final for calc2. They should be able to get 90%+ in order to take the next level.

Addendum -
I emailed Dr. Cordes in the CS dept, and he said that most CBHers who major in CS or computer engineering take CS 101 the fall of sophomore year - so I am feeling much better now.

@crimsonhyde The CBH 101/102 classes are far superior to CS 100–better prof and better projects. Kids coming out of CBH 102 are very well prepared for CS 101. It is an excellent program–academically but equally important from a camaraderie and opportunity standpoint.