Need Help for a friend who forgot SAT Scores

<p>Hi I wrote this in the Merced section on accident but am now putting it here,
I am writing for a friend who apparently forgot to send official SAT Scores to any UC (and I assume CSU’s as well). He applied to a multitude of UC’s and CSU’s. He got two scores of around 500. I was wondering if there was any hope for him to get accepted to the lower tier UC’s or any CSU if he were to call/email etc and send the score report in.</p>

<p>I do not know his other stats yet, but would that matter if the stats were as good as his scores?</p>

<p>Thanks for any advice</p>

<p>I think your friend is SOL. UCs require official scores, and the deadline is past. I have no idea how CSUs do it, though.</p>


<p>In previous years, they have accepted late applecations for Riverside and Merced since they have more spaces available there. I think he should not give up - If he is interested in Merced or Riverside he should contact them and they may be able to work with him.</p>