Need help, Waitlisted letter

I am writing a letter to University of Richmond after being waitlisted. I expressed my firm interest, mentioned what attracted me about the school. I don’t have anything else to add about University of Richmond that I didnt already include in my original application. What are some special/unique best things about UR besides its location, diversity, academia (stuff I already wrote about in my 1st application).

Also besides expressing interest & grade updates, what else should I talk about in my letter? I got a full ride to Elon selected as an Odessey scholar, would it be wise to include that? If not what else should I talk about? I really dont have much

I’ve answered your question about the UR waitlist before. Not sure if you saw it. The chances of you getting off the WL are slim. Its good you are writing a letter, but do not get your hopes up. I don’t really know why you are asking others to write your WL letter for you. If you are that interested in UR you should be able to come up with plenty of things besides its “diversity, location, academics”. There’s nothing else you can discuss besides interest. I definitely wouldn’t put your scholarship offers to other schools in there. Just hope and pray for the best. Wish you luck getting off the WL. I’ve been there before, its not fun.