need some help!!

<p>Hi Im a german student who wants to apply to Harvard (or any other Ivy league school) for the class of '13!!</p>

<p>But I got some big probs so maybe someone out there can helpe me!!</p>

<p>First of all does anybody know how I can contact an Harvard alumni in Germany. I found some e-mail ads on the inet but nothing serious......</p>

<p>I would ne great if I would have somebody in Germany I could email to and who is able to answer my questions!!!</p>

<p>But this is not all......has anybody of you experience on applying to an American collge from Germany??? Because I already found the application materials on the net but cant really deal with them....there are questions on the sheets about some counselors and so on...but I dont even have a counslor in Germany!!!! Well it would be great if somebody could help....I relly need the help badly!!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!!!!!</p>
