Need some low matches

I’m still not clear if your budget is 65k or some unknown number cited by the NPC.
Anyway… :slight_smile:
American, definitely, Brandeis - as well as Dickinson and Macalester if he can get over the size - Macalester is in a vibrant city and, while small, is wonderfully located for walkable activities or easy to access entertainment or internships.
Both would be good matches (with his stats, any college with a 35-40% acceptance rate will be a match. Unfortunately they’re high enough that matches for stats are actually reaches due to selectivity :s)

@cttwenty15 Thanks!
@MYOS1634 Thanks. On budget, NPCs are telling us to expect to contribute as much as $30,000 (I am including amounts listed as loans in that total). We will be OK up to $35,000. Son understands that final decision is subject to final numbers but, thankfully, finances probably won’t limit options. His plans may include further education and he/we understand that money spent for undergrad isn’t available later.

With merit, I’m hoping low matches and safeties will be among the most affordable. Some exceptions of course.

Your statement “matches for stats are actually reaches due to selectivity” sums up my main concern.

Thanks again

I am going to send you a PM with comments based on your most recent post.