Need UC Application Assistance por favor

<p>1) If my father’s never lived with us, what do I enter as his occupation/# of years @ that occupation?
2) Should my classes be in an order concurrent with my schedules from all four grades? (i.e., If I took English 1st period as a freshman, should the 9th Grade Courses section begin with English and continue in the same order as my schedule?)
3)If I have tested out of certain classes (such as Spanish I, Computer Science, etc.), how do I report this in the Grades Section? If not there, where would i report these? (Something else, should these courses be listed on my transcript? B/c my transcript does not indicate that I’ve tested out/passed these courses. It wasn’t at college, the school I attended provided an examination to determine if I were able to “test out.”)
4)If I were at one school for one semester and received final grades for that semester, then transferred to a different school and received the second semester grades there, would I report the grades from School 1 for the first semester followed by a “No Course” selection for the second semester and vice versa for School 2?
5)Do I report my SAT Reasoning scores I received for May if I’m planning to take the SAT Reasoning again in November?</p>

<p>Please and thank you.</p>

<p>I don’t know the answers to the rest of the questions, but:
2) I don’t think the order matters, as long as you successfully list all your courses that meet the A-G requirements.
5) You do not have to report your May SAT I score if you plan on retaking it in November. You have until January 10th, 2010 to report all SAT/ACT scores.</p>