Need your help guys!!!

<p>I am an international applicant applaying to places such as harvard,stanford, brown, etc. Now i'm in a bit of a problem. I have a great!! main essay with a killer punch at the end, but today i found that one of the teachers who I showed the essay talked about it in her recomandation. My question is if someone knows what is being read first the rec or essays?... I am scared that reading her rec will kill the ending of my essay :(((((. Let me know what you think! Thanks in advance!!!</p>

<p>Well have you read her recommendation? Do you know what exactly she said about your essay? Or did she just tell you she mentioned it? I know some teachers don’t show their recommendations. I doubt she’d ruin the ending though it probably isn’t a big deal.
Also I have no idea if they go in the order it is on common app, but school forms are last, so hopefully they follow that order? :x</p>