<p>Urbanflop, Your name says it all. :D</p>
<p>Pulsar, you didn’t answer my question. Have you ever been affiliated with a boarding school in any way?</p>
<p>It is irrelevant to this thread, ie what OP wants. It’s same reason I didn’t ask you what you are associated with.</p>
<p>Of course it is relevent. How can you comment on the positive or negative aspect of institutions if everything you say is pure speculation? At the very least, preface your comments with the qualifier that everything you say is pure opinion with no basis in actual life experience.</p>
<p>Kind of interesting that you would spend all this time on CC (521 posts) with no actual prep school ties. Very twisted.</p>
<p>Exeter123, I am not posting my positive, negative opinions here. I am the information seeker just as the OP. Sorry to see that you didn’t get it. Whatever is twisted is only in your mind.</p>
<p>So you are seeking info because you are applying to prep school?</p>
<p>Yes or no, it depends on the facts I gather.</p>
<p>So tell me, what positive facts about prep school have you discovered in your 524 posts here on CC? I’m sure the many folks who have referred to you as just a ■■■■■ would be silenced by your acquired wisdom on all the positive aspects of prep school given your unbiased investigation of the subject.</p>
<p>They are all listed on the numerous positives threads. I suggest you respect the OP and leave this thread for its original purpose. You can start a thread for the positives. We can discuss it there.</p>
<p>I’m sure the folks on this thread won’t mind the minor diversion. Please kindly share your acquired wisdom with us Pulsar.</p>
<p>Boarding school is a great place for all the rich folk to gather to have a party… Before you get all riled up, I’m just kidding haha.</p>
<p>When I started this thread, I didn’t mean give people an opportunity to lash out at Boarding Schools. I would like someone’s opinion who 1. Is attending boarding school 2. Has attended boarding school or 3. Has a child/relative attending boarding school. Those who have not been to BS can’t really know the negatives of attending one.
Pulsar, that is why we would like to know if you are attending boarding school, so we know whether or not your opinions are substantial</p>
<p>You have a great sense of humor pulsar. Any other positive aspects of prep school that you can provide the wider audience to help inform their views?</p>
<p>loubear, As I said before I have no positive or negative opinions of my own that I’m posting, but I’m collecting that information. Isn’t that the whole idea of CC?</p>
<p>Yes, now can we please get back to the thread’s topic, and keep everything cordial.</p>
<p>You have no negative opinions of prep school? I must have misread your earlier postings. Forgive me for misjudging you. I’m sure they were all made with the most noble of intents, to inform the other information hungry viewers of CC with unbiased information. Certainly not to disparage the prep school experience. I’m sure that your own lack of any prep school experience is only a minor limitation.</p>
<p>Well if you want the facts I gathered, here is one. 70% BS grads can’t get into Ivy. That includes Exeter. How is that for a fact?</p>
<p>Pretty good fact. So 30% do get into Ivy’s.</p>
<p>Any other facts?</p>
<p>Just 30% mind you. That’s not something to write home about.</p>
<p>Only .2% of kids in our town public school went to Ivy’s last year. What percentage went to Ivy’s in your present school?</p>