Negotiating Financial Aid?

<p>NU says our Family Contribution is 48K and is offering us nothing but loans; Cornell says that our Family Contribution is 28K and is offering us grants. How can this be? My daughter really would prefer NU, but the difference in financial aid is vast. Can I take the Cornell offer to NU's financial aid office and say, "Look, she really wants to go to NU, but we'll have to go to Cornell if you can't improve this offer." Is there any chance that that can produce results?</p>

<p>You won’t know until you try. What do you have to lose at this point? Instead of sounding like you are using Cornell’s offer as a threat though, I would use their offer as a cue that there may be miscalculation and ask them to take a second look. It will make a even stronger case if you can show that other schools’ EFC is also a lot closer to Cornell’s than NU’s (so this doesn’t just come from Cornell’s usual generosity).</p>



<p>Haha, you made it sound like “we’ll HAVE to go to Cornell” like it’s a bad thing. =]</p>

<p>Actually, I’m considering Northwestern and Cornell (and Rice) as well. I plan to bring Cornell’s AMAZING offer and see what NU can do with it. =]</p>

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<p>[Northwestern</a> University - Undergraduate Financial Aid](<a href=“]Northwestern”> how to appeal</p>

<p>[Northwestern</a> University - Undergraduate Financial Aid](<a href=“]Northwestern”> scholarships based on income</p>

<p>the colleges use the fafsa/css information ANY way they want when awarding THEIR money</p>