Nervous/scared/excited thread for EDers

<p>So yeah, I think we def. need a thread to freak out in... it can be excitement, fear, nervousness,etc. Whatever you're feeling! So I"ll start...</p>

<p>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't believe that in less two weeks we will know our fate! So right now I am officially freaking out. True, for the last few months I was freaking out, but that was more unofficial! :) GL to all!</p>


<p>freaking out here</p>

<p>Nerv o u s</p>

<p>lol mine comes out in april..</p>

<p>Umm... OMG</p>

<p>what is it, like 11 days left?</p>

<p>Exactly 12 Days and 18 minutes from now over here...where it is 4:41 PM on saturday.</p>

<p>lol thanks!</p>

<p>my parents are freaking out more than i am...telling me i have a chance of being rejected (hopefully not knock on wood) and it's DRIVING ME ABSOLUTELY INSANE</p>

<p>Oh so its posted at 5 pm?</p>

<p>definitely nervous/scared...mostly because I haven't even started on my other 10 if I don't get accepted. I AM IN TROUBLE!!</p>

<p>I hate the tenison in my school. Everyone is like "oh you are gonna get in." but if what i don't lolz.</p>

<p>Not going to lie, I'm absolutely terrified. I made a mistake on my app, and I'm hoping that it didn't hurt me or anything. Everyone at my school is like, "Dude, you're going to get in," but I know that if I get in I'll be very very lucky.</p>

<p>Yup 5:00 the 14th.</p>

<p>I feel the same way. I haven't done any real work on other apps besides filling out quick forms. I didn't feel like I did my best on the supplemental essay for cornell...and thats an important part (though hopefully less for ED since they know you wanna go...). I would probably be a borderline applicant for CALS bio with a 2150 and my transcript is only so so.
YET, EVERYONE tells me I'm a shoo-in. I hear "dude cornell should be ur safety." But I too think the chances are slim.</p>

<p>And the waiting is driving me nuts. I feel like I can't do any work until that time. Like someone just threw me up in the air and I donno when im coming down. Its gonna be a very long couple of weeks. I'm freakin out!</p>

<p>I'm nervous, though I'm definetly not freaking out. I'm worried about the financial aid part. But if Cornell rejects me ED, then that will certainly destroy my confidence about other schools.</p>

<p>This thread is certainly not helping us calm down..........guys you should stop posting here - you are only making it worse.</p>

<p>I don't understand all the anxiety about college acceptance. As long as you've got a nice list of schools that you'd like to go to, then what difference does it make?</p>

<p>If Cornell and MIT reject me early, then I've got nice in-roads at Purdue and Michigan, and if those reject me as well, then I can fall on Oklahoma, Penn State, and Wisconsin. I'd love to go to any of those schools. </p>

<p>To be honest, if I got accepted to Cornell and some of those safeties, namely Oklahoma, I'd be torn to make a decision; Oklahoma has the best Atmospheric Science department in the country, but then again Cornell is an Ivy... Tough decisions!</p>

<p>Which reminds me... better make sure all those apps are in for RD</p>

<p>If this type of thread makes it worse for you then don't read anymore. For me, if I write about something then I get it off my chest. It's good to know that other people are going through what I am going through too. (misery loves company? lol) My cornell anxiety is even helping me a little. Tomorrow I'm going to D.C to interview a congressman and I'm not even that nervous bc I'm so much more focused on cornell lol. Ridiculous... I know, but true. :)</p>

<p>Ok, the only way that CC is going to help anyone is if on decision day, there is a forum where all the REJECTS get to hang out and bitc h.</p>

<p>yeah ach44, for realz. If I got rejected from Cornell ED...I AM NEVER CHECKING ON THE CORNELL FORUM EVER AGAIN..cos I'll be bitter as anything. Plus...checking on past year's forums..after the decision, you only see forums with "WHO ELSE GOT IN??? POST YOUR S/N!!"
BUT if I there is a post about "<strong><em>!! CORNELL IS A </em></strong> FOR NOT ACCEPTING ME" then I'll gladly participate. hahahaha.
Man. I'm so pessimistic right now...but that's probably the best feeling to have before decisions..cos you don't want to have high hopes then be let down.</p>