NESCAC Schools

I agree. And even in the event that the recruit is rejected at an Ivy in mid-Oct and other selective schools have support left to give, I’d think the rejection would make any coach hesitant to burn a slot…I mean, what would have had to be in that application for a supported recruit not to be accepted at the Ivy? Why wouldn’t the same thing matter at the next school?

I do think that theoretically the Ivy process gives recruits a bit more time to pivot to other options. Practically speaking though those other options would probably be less selective schools. The process was set up more with a potential pivot to less selective D1 schools in mind, IMO. Honestly I’m not sure it matters much because the chances of a supported recruit not being admitted at an Ivy, assuming no major skeletons in the closet, are so small they might as well be zero.


Exactly, and with a likely letter or not.

I also agree with midwestmomofboys that every year not every fully supported Ivy recruit gets a LL in the early rounds…we’ve had posters on here in that exact situation and things worked out (and coaches weee saying it would too). Sometimes the app was submitted relatively late, sometimes admissions gets backed up. That’s one reason I always tell people not to conflate fully supported slots with LLs (at Ivies).

Separately, with NESCACs, not all use the tip terminology AFAIK. Nor do other D3s (that’s obvious to some but just want to state the obvious in what can be a confusing thing in recruiting).


This is the key point of consideration IMO about whether to push to know what the coach is doing with your kid. I never achieved that degree of clarity the first go-around because I was naive about the process. But with a gun to my head I would bet that this dynamic is what happened at Wesleyan last year. I do not believe it happened 25 times (which was the actual number being thrown about in that thread), but I have a feeling it’s what happened to the kids of the two parents who were in that thread. Even the “full support” language leaves wiggle room. “Yeah, I gave her the full support I give to an athlete with her profile.” Still doesn’t answer the question. It’s “Did you give her the max support you are authorized to give any athlete?”

The hard part about this is that with some coaches you might have to be a little more aggressive than you want to be during what amounts to a courting process until the bitter end. It’s a finessed thing and it varies by coach and school. Ad hoc adjustments have to be made for each situation.

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This information is super helpful!

Do any of the NESCAC lacrosse teams take admitted walk ons? If so, how does the process work?

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We’re also wondering this. My lax S23 got hurt Junior year and missed most of his season. Not only did that make recruiting more difficult, he got discouraged and ended up deciding to just opt out of the process. Now he’s rethinking it, as senior season is going great. We’re going to reach out to the coaches at the schools he was accepted to now–rather than waiting–but are wondering if anyone has any experience with this.

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The answer is yes, most have walk-ons. If you go to revisit days, talk to the coach while you’re there. If you have committed, reach out now and ask about the process. Most carry pretty large rosters and are happy to have additional talent.


Agreed for many teams, I think they also have formal tryouts for walk-ons.

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Our student athlete just received a message from the HC at a NESCAC that stated:
“As you prepare for this next step in your recruitment it is important to share some new information in NESCAC.

Due to new NESCAC regulations pre-reads will not be processed until August 1.”

Has anyone else received this?!?! We have been at a bunch of NESCAC Jr. Days, Spring Practices, Camps and unofficial visits within the last 6 weeks and everyone was giving us July 1 or a little later!

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What sport?


Why not ask other NESCAC coaches your son is in touch with.

My son is two years out from recruiting, but I haven’t heard anything about it on the men’s soccer boards that I read. Not that that is definitive, it’s not!

On the one hand, if a NESCAC coach sent this email, I would believe it. On the other hand it makes zero sense, putting the NESCAC at a disadvantage in recruiting, and the NESCAC is all about fielding really strong teams.

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This wouldn’t be the first or only NESCAC recruiting rule that separates them from other schools. I am not sure if this is still in place though I believe NESCAC coaches are not allowed to visit High Schools for recruiting visits, where as some schools/coaches do. The NESCAC football roster size is much more limited compared to other D3 schools (some D3 football teams have very large rosters).

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Ha ha, I should have written, “put NESCAC schools at more of a disadvantage”.

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Yes! While the NESCAC schools tend to be really strong in a number of D3 sports, football isn’t one of them!


So, is there any possibility this shift in date applies only to football, or do we think it’s all sports?

My 2024 kid has repeatedly been told prereads on July 1, but the specific date hasn’t really been discussed since last winter. So, if it’s a recent change, our conversations would not reflect that. There’s nothing about it on the NESCAC website, and you’d think that’s something they’d do a posting/press release about.

I absolutely believe the coach. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard anything since it seemed out of nowhere in comparison to the NCAA heads up regarding recruiting changes. I know (from this thread) that nothing is final until the admissions ED acceptance is received and not a minute earlier but we had the July in our minds as a possible indication of whether DS is a step further in the process. However, we are embracing the chaos (or I’m trying to)! We also spoke with our college counselor and she indicated that she had heard rumblings about a changed date.


DS24 has been in consistent contact with about 5 NESCACs (DMs and calls) and we expect to hear from the other schools. The email wasn’t specific about it only being football. But this and the December date for the first day to submit FAFSA forms have now been been pushed back. My son had an unofficial visit three weeks ago, met with every coach including position and recruiting director and everyone said July 1.

Yes. We heard the same thing from two NESCAC soccer coaches. New rule.

I’m with @cinnamon1212, pushing back pre-reads to Aug 1 is going to put the NESCACs at even more of a disadvantage in recruiting than before. I wonder what the reason for the change was? I can’t imagine coaches support it?!

If I were a coach at the Patriot League (lots of recruiting overlap with D3 selectives), or D3 conferences like UAA/Centennial/SCIAC, or even the Ivies, I would be selling the advantage of their relatively earlier timelines harder than usual, starting right now!