Netflix vs. Comcast (Xfinity) On Demand

<p>My D mentioned that she would like a Netflix subscription for her birthday so that she can view movies and tv shows on her laptop at college. We currently have Comcast and Xfinity On Demand, which is available to her via her laptop. </p>

<p>Can someone tell me the benefits and differences of both services?</p>


<p>I can’t tell you what is the best but I do know that the contract between netflix and Star was not renewed. The list of movies that Netflix offers is no longer available in comparison to the past year selection. You may want to have your daughter check out the selections offered by the various vendors before making a decision of what best suits her taste.</p>

<p>unless your Comcast and xfinity modem is located in her dormroom, you cannot access their online streaming…regardless of your subscription…</p>

<p>Netflix streaming can be accessed anywhere…it is not live streaming though for TV and only can provide TV shows that are contracted with Nexflix</p>

<p>I have both. I really dislike Xfinity. I LOVE Netflix. Netfllix has SO much more available on it and is easier to use. I’m sure she’d love the subscription and I bet you’d follow suit!
(actually up to four computers I believe can use one subscription so you could access her account to watch what you want also).
Netflix has (or at least did have) a free trial–go ahead and try it!<br>
Between and Netflix I don’t watch regular TV anymore.</p>

<p>Rodney, that is good to know about the subscription only being accessible via our home modem. She accesses her Comcast email via the web all the time, so I assumed that she can also access the other features.</p>

<p>LOVE Netflix, and can find SO much more that interests me. Perhaps your daughter should check out the options, and the free 30 day trial is by far the best way. My daughter is enjoying TV shows like Dexter via my subscription. She watches on TV via Blueray DVD. (by the way if she is on your account, you get updates about what she watches-FYI) I just watched 4 seasons of Doc Martin, an English comedy, CCers mentioned in another thread. LOVE Netflix.</p>

<p>I’m so disappointed in streaming Netflix that I’m ready to terminate the subscription I started just a few months ago. In fact, I was so surprised at the lack of choices that I asked my son to second guess me and make sure I wasn’t somehow doing things wrong and missing a bunch of options. No such luck. Seems like everything I want to see is DVD-only. H was housebound much of the summer recuperating from an auto accident and desperate for entertainment, and found no more than 4 or 5 options that interested him.</p>

<p>‘unless your Comcast and xfinity modem is located in her dorm room, you cannot access their online streaming…regardless of your subscription…’</p>

<p>That is NOT True! you can sign on to your Comcast account from ANY computer and get streaming video, movies, etc. You may not get the same as what’s being broadcast to a TV, but streaming through the internet is not restricted to the modem location!.</p>

<p>I’ve never tried Netflix but my Comcast bill has increased about $70 the last couple of months, and is about to be cancelled.</p>

<p>If your D is interested in catching up on TV shows, there’s no contest – Netflix. Last summer I went back and watched The Office from the beginning of Season 1. Comcast On Demand has maybe the last 5 episodes of the current season.</p>

<p>Plus Netflix doesn’t have Comcast’s notorious customer service, and that’s always good. ;)</p>

<p>Do you think a senior citizen could get the hang of the Xfinity? Could you use that to set up an internet TV in another location? Like could your kid use your xfinity in their dorm room?</p>