<p>so, did anyone get contacted for an interview yet?</p>
<p>anyone? 10 char</p>
<p>sorry what is this?</p>
<p>[Neuroscience</a> Research Prize – American Academy of Neurology](<a href=“http://www.aan.com/science/awards/?fuseaction=home.info&id=11]Neuroscience”>http://www.aan.com/science/awards/?fuseaction=home.info&id=11)</p>
<p>sorry, I should have explained. it said finalists will be contacted by mid-Jan for a phone interview, and I was just wondering if anyone of you who had entered received a call or not.</p>
<p>no takers?</p>
<p>I didn’t enter this year. Next year I hope to though. What was your project? What other neuroscience competitions did you do?</p>
<p>I was working on a zebrafish mutant that caused brain hemorrhage and neural cell death.</p>
<p>This was the only competition I entered that was specifically for neuroscience. I did Siemens and Intel. And, currently, I’m working on IJSHS</p>
<p>I was just contacted, anyone else?</p>
<p>wow, the US has competition for everything don’t they…this is for HIGH SCHOOL?!? How do you learn neuroscience in HS?</p>