Never found a roommate

I made a very last-minute decision to go to UA, and I never confirmed a roommate. I am scheduled to pick my room on May 10th. Will I be automatically assigned a room or do I just have to pick a random room with random roommates. I want to live in Presidential or Lakeside if that helps

You still should go in and pick a room.

When it’s your time slot to select a room, just find an open room in the dorm of your choice - don’t worry about who your roommates will be!

If the suite has some of the roommates already assigned, you will be able to take a quick look at their profiles, but I’d recommend grabbing the room first, and checking out the profiles afterwards. If you’re not comfortable with the suitemates you’ve ended up with, you’ll still have time to go back and change rooms . . . although, by then, they may have already switched rooms as well - things change quickly during room selection!

So, if you can find a room in Lakeside or Presidential, grab it . . . and check out your roommates’ profiles afterwards.

And, if it turns out that you’re not able to get what you’re looking for, don’t worry about it. If you’re not happy with your selection, you can put in a request for a room change. The housing office handles lots of change requests over the next few months, and they do their best to place students where they want to be.