<p>Click on "Actions"
"Buddy Chat"
Put your name into the first box.
CCislulz2 into the second box.</p>
<p>Click Send.</p>
<p>You should be able to join the chat.</p>
<p>Click on "Actions"
"Buddy Chat"
Put your name into the first box.
CCislulz2 into the second box.</p>
<p>Click Send.</p>
<p>You should be able to join the chat.</p>
<p>maybe dont say what the new chat is here…?</p>
<p>its cool now…don’t worry about him…</p>
<p>[Skin</a> Diving History](<a href=“http://www.skindivinghistory.com/index.html]Skin”>http://www.skindivinghistory.com/index.html)</p>
<p>Oh this is how he found out…</p>
<p>well we’re back in CCislulz</p>
<p>Yep .</p>
<p>yes ignore this one…</p>
<p>lol I’m ** very ** incompetent with AIM, someone care to explain how the chat rooms work? lol</p>
<p>Yeah like the previous posters CCislulz is back and better than ever.</p>
<p>Darn, I just uninstalled AIM today in attempt to make some room in the hard drive. I wonder if this works on meebo…</p>
<p>It does work on meebo runningonempty, that’s how I always get into CCislulz</p>