New BFA theater degrees and new PA center

I haven’t been on CC in quite a while. Oldest D graduated from Bama a few years ago. Youngest D is in high school and is interested in BFA acting programs. I was excited to see that Bama will be starting one this year, and then I saw the renderings for the new performing arts center!! That looks fabulous! Anyway, just wondering if there’s anyone with knowledge about, experience with the theater department. I know right now they only have a BA, but current families might know what the plans are for the BFA program. Also, when is the PA center set to open? Finally, anyone have info on talent scholarships? I was thinking with that amazing new facility being built that they’ll have some considerable scholarship dollars to help attract top talent, like they did with the engineering scholarships.

I think Bama has always had some talent scholarships. Are there any listed on the theater website?

As for the new PA center, let me see if there’s been any recent announcements

I see that Bill Battle and his wife Mary are the co-chairs of the fundraising. Bill Battle is a very connected and powerful person so I’m sure he’ll get whatever money is needed.

The fundraising campaign materials for the new theater are really exciting:

I’m not aware one way or the other about specific talent scholarships, but all incoming freshmen are eligible for generous merit scholarships. The requirements have changed over the years but still well worth investigating:

As for successful grads, the last time I visited campus (for Homecoming last October), I flew American Airlines, and their in-flight magazine’s cover story was about UA alum Sonequa Martin-Green, probably best known for The Walking Dead:

Break a leg! :slight_smile:

Thank you! I’ll just keep an eye on things and hopefully as students enter the BFA program, we can get more info! With how quickly stuff gets built on that campus, I imagine it will be ready to open by the time my daughter graduates from HS.

There are some talent scholarships they have a talent day for it in the fall.

Thank you! Looking forward to watching this program grow. I have faith that Bama is going to really put a lot into this program and make it topnotch!

The current lead in Hamilton on Broadway graduated from Bama!

^^ Yes!