New construction east of campus?

<p>I was driving through Gainesville the other day and I heard on WUFT about some new research facility. After a little digging, I found the website Innovation</a> Square . As an alumnus, I'm a little concerned. Specifically, I wonder how this is going to be funded with Rick Scott taking the carving knife to the budget? </p>

<p>The "creative class" stuff on that website made me a little ill as well.</p>

<p>as far as i know, the money for this has already been set aside. i’m sure they would have halted it by now if it wasn’t fully funded. the actual firms that use it will be funded from the outside, and my understanding is that the project could be a positive revenue source based on licensing and grants.</p>

<p>i’m disappointed that they’re referencing richard florida’s ‘creative class’ concept, but i wouldn’t be concerned. its just a name. the ‘creative class’ refers to analytical and entrepreneurial workforce (read: engineers and scientists) at large, which is the group that would do work at innovation square.</p>

<p>do you have any specific concerns about it? i’d be interested in learning more about it myself.</p>