New England Send Off Party

<p>Just attented the New England send off party. The enthusiasm for the school is incredible and the UA momentum in this region is amazing. There are approximately 43 incoming freshmen from New England (more than 20 from Massachusetts), which is by far the largest contingent ever from the area - about double from last year’s freshmen class. The word is getting out, parents and guidance counselors are starting to take note, and UA is ascending like a rocket in the heart of Yankee country. ROLL TIDE in Beantown!!!</p>

<p>Oh no, we don’t need all those Red Sux fans on campus :slight_smile:
Go Yankees!!</p>

<p>Glad you had a good time and the word about UA is getting out.
Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>That’s awesome! I am from RI, so if it turns out that I end up going to UA, I might just have to check it out.</p>