New Game

<p>Martha is proud of her fungal infection.</p>

<p>Lablondie ate my fungal infection while it was on display.</p>

<p>Marthas name is so old that it founded its own prestigious university.</p>

<p>Madd Stressed likes the Dixie Chicks.</p>

<p>Lablondie was rejected by Harvard...........summer school program!!!!!!!! (I'm on fire today!)</p>

<p>Oh... My friends will be so disappointed that I got rejected.</p>

<p>Madd Stressed gets hot while looking at pictures of my arm (the one that had blood drawn from it today)</p>

<p>Lablondie's blood was rejected by a Leper colony's blood bank on the grounds that it was too gross...</p>

<p>Madd Stressed looks like he/she escaped from a Leper colony.</p>

<p>mcz is so ugly that even if I knew your gender in real life, I would still use he/she to describe you...</p>

<p>I'm a boy.</p>

<p>Madd Stressed is trying to cover the truth that it doesn't know what its gender is, because it's so deformed and hideous.</p>

<p>mcz once was a female - until the feminist movement changed her status on the grounds that mcz being female was the biggest step back for women since childbirth...</p>

<p>Madd Stressed is too feminine to be a man and too masculine to be a woman.</p>

<p>mcz is too uncreative too come up with a good insult - c'mon...</p>

<p>Madd Stressed was accurately called stupid by someone in a remedial class.</p>

<p>Madd Stressed gets drunk off of listerine.</p>

<p>Martha once drank a whole litre bottle of listerine in the hopes of getting drunk - and her breath still stank!</p>

<p>Madd Stressed smelled for some time, but he/she finally realized there was a moldy sandwich that had been stuck in his/her fat rolls.</p>

<p>mcz got turned on watching me remove and eat that mouldy sandwich from my fat, sweaty body...</p>

<p>Madd Stressed needs to learn the difference between horror and lust.</p>

<p>mcz likes new jersey's gardens (happy? some can't take some light humor I suppose)</p>