Okinawa's Hate of the Day

<p>Today, March 11, I hate lollipop27. Tune in tomorrow to see me love lollipop27 and she the next person I hate.</p>

<p>Today, March 11th, I am madly in love with okinawa!</p>


<p>No, you should perpetually hate:
US Marine Corps
mainland Japanese clothing styles (all imitations of your own house)
J-Pop (with the exception of Amuro Namie, since she was born there)</p>

<p>Oh, I do hate those things, but they aren't deemed a Hate of the Day.</p>

<p>My question is whether you actually live there or not.</p>

<p>But th real question is: Who is your love of the day?</p>

<p>Since it is a little past midnight, I figured I'd treat you guys right and kill the suspense by posting the March 12 picks. lollipop27 is no longer hated. Today...I hate....IT's A TIE!!</p>

<p>Candidate A: Martha
Candidate B: Stir Fried Dog Eyes</p>

<p>Both are equally foul and disgusting so I'll ask the public. Which of the two candidates should take the cake for today?</p>

<p>How about stir-fried Martha?</p>

<p>And okinawa, I admire your attempt to become a CC institution by having a "Okinawa's _____ of the day"
You should have a soup of the day thread, I'd so read that, unless it was tortilla soup.</p>

<p>I don't think I'd enjoy that, milesguidon.</p>

<p>No kidding, I wouldnt eat stir-fried me.</p>

<p>You want more "Of the Day" threads. You got a word one coming up.</p>

<p>I think candidate A should be recognized...</p>

<p>Lets get a "Day of the day" thread going. Todays day of the day is saturday.</p>

<p>I want to be the hate of the day!</p>

<p>you'll have to get in the back of the line, then.</p>