new graduate residency programs?

<p>I am a sophomore in UDel's BSN program. Recently, I've come upon nursing residency programs for new graduates, such as Stanford's.
So I was wondering- Do these hospitals usually hire out of their residency programs? Would residency be a good route to take after graduation? And are you getting paid during it?</p>

<p>Stanford's program has definitely sparked my curiosity, as you can see.</p>

<p>Graduate Nursing Residency or Internship Programs are available at a number of Hospitals. Usually most of these programs are available at hospitals that are used as clinical training sites by University or other types of Nursing Programs. As it is difficult at this time for new nursing grads to find an entry level RN position these programs can be helpful in providing some direct nursing experience which would help a nurse to subsquently obtain a regular RN job. Most of these programs (at least those I am aware of) are paid positions (but not very much). Many nurses are subsquently hired for regular RN positions at the hospital (depending on available positions). As you might expect competition for the positions in these Residency/Internship Programs is intense. Often times students in the affiliated Nursing Program are given preference for the available positions. You need to apply for these positions early in your Sr. year of college (depending on their application dates). </p>

<p>Just FYI the Christiana Care Health System (Nursing Department has Magnet Status) in Delaware with hospitals in Wilmington and Newark offers a 24 week Nursing Internship Program for Graduate Nurses in 5 areas (Critical Care, Emergency Dept., Medical Nurse, Neonatal Nurse, and Perioperative Nurse). A number of my D’s fellow Graduate Nurses were involved with these programs when she graduated in 2010 and felt they were very educational and helpful in subsequently obtaining regular RN jobs. Hope this info is useful.</p>

<p>here’s a list of some of the hospitals that have these types of programs:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My daughter works in one of these programs (though it’s not on the list). She makes decent money - it was a nice transition from school to hospital and included 3 months of working with a preceptor before being totally independent.<br>
In her case she went to a different school and interviewed on her campus for this program then got invited to a day long interviewing event. She had to designate which floor she was interested in and they hired 3 of 6 candidates - she was the only one hired who had not had clinicals or an internship on the floor. She had to pay for transportation and hotel to the interviewing event but once hired she had a small moving allowance.</p>