New Procedure for Creating Parent PIN for Paying Your Student's Fees

There is a PDF cashnetparentpin_guide.pdf posted on the Cal Poly site (you can find on google) which supposedly tells you how to get your parent PIN. However the document is out of date and to avoid banging your head - follow these steps instead:

Parent Logins
A student may create a Parent PIN to allow parents, guardians and other authorized users to access his/her account information.

A Parent PIN must be created by the student before it can be used. The student can follow these steps to create a Parent PIN:

    1.Click on the ‘your account’ link located in the menu bar at the top of the page.
    2.Click on the ‘Add New’ link located in the box labeled Parent PINs.
    3.In the Parent PIN field, enter the Login Name you wish to assign to the Parent 
       PIN user.
    4.Enter the Parent PIN user’s email address.
    5.Add an optional note to the welcome email that will be sent to the
       Parent PIN user.
    6.Select the Parent PIN user’s permission level.
    7.Click on the OK button.

A welcome email will be sent to the Parent PIN user’s email address. The email will contain the optional note, login information and temporary password.