New Roommate

is it possible to request a different roommate before classes start? I’m an incoming freshman and I just got assigned a second new roommate because my first new roommate was moved to Walton. Could I possibly change to a different room in my dorm?

Yes - we just got back from new student conference. You need to contact the housing department - they have steps to take to request a new roommate.

Well I now have a new roommate… I wonder what happened…

Maybe I should just wait until move-in to meet? I wonder if they will change it again…
Does this usually happen?
Wouldn’t have even known this if it wasn’t for an email I got reminding me about parking permits.

@patstar5, this happened to one of my kids too. It is frustrating, but it does happen. Why? People don’t make grades senior year or gateway ( offer rescinded ),don’t go to NSC (admission rescinded), opt for a gap year (offer postponed) or decide to change living arrangement ( friend made it off the waitlist or opted for off-campus). Go ahead and contact your new roommate by email - at least to get the basics down ( I’m bringing a fridge/microwave/TV… ) & say hello. We had two changes (when it rains it pours), one was by their choice (they contacted us to explain) the other by university choice (no contact by student- guessing too embarrassed) but it turned out fine in the end ( roommate #3 turned out to be a great friend! Never met #1 or #2, just emailed). Keep in mind there is no roommate matching, so it isn’t like your next roommate is not going to be as compatible as the first one assigned. Once you do have a switch, keep in mind your second roommate assigned is coming off the wait list & may/may not be able to get out of a lease (if they had a back up plan) so just go with the flow. It’ll all work out eventually :slight_smile: