<p>Hi, we were at Accepted Students Day yesterday. A very well organized and informative event. I was impressed. However, my child will be a chemistry major and all my questions about when the new science center will be constructed were met with vagueness. Seeing as how the building will be right where the current science wings are, I am imagining huge disruptions to the chemistry program over the course of some time. Labs will have to be moved and shared, construction noise and dust will be ongoing, etc. I know the budget is the determining factor here, but I would almost prefer to see it postponed until after my child graduates, rather then have to deal with temporary labs, sharing of facilities with biology and the inevitable delays of construction work. Did anyone else hear anything more definite than the “I don’t knows” that I got??</p>
<p>I heard construction is indefinite due to the budget. Don’t expect it to be finished in the next four years.</p>