New Tabs

<p>Anyone have the new tabs on Agora?</p>

<p>Wait, did you get new tabs?</p>

<p>I don’t have new tabs yet. Not too anxious, we’ll see.</p>

<p>No, I don’t have new tabs…but 6164 said they called BC last week and thought that this Monday is letter day, so I thought maybe someone may have new tabs ~</p>

<p>Yeah I read that. I don’t have them yet. I am sure that I will checking throughout the day.</p>

<p>No change here…no tabs, no agreement…just stress…lol:) Good luck everyone!!</p>



<p>I can now see Department Calendar, Student Calendar, and University Calendar on Agora! I hope this is a good sign!! :)</p>

<p>6164CZ…you are a transfer student, right? You could be seeing a change already because transfer students are generally notified earlier. Good luck:)</p>

<p>Yes, I am a transfer student for Spring.
I hope you’re right! And thanks, good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>^ yeah same on the left side</p>

<p>DD is a senior in HS; not a transfer, applying to be a freshman at BC in 2011. Yes, she signed a new agreement.</p>

<p>Today, new things popped up on the portal on the left side (University calendar, etc.)… not sure what the heck it means. But, Nerve Wracking it is.</p>

<p>My very best wishes to all for good news this week or next!</p>

<p>wait, i have those new calendars too, and i’m just a normal class of 2011 senior applying. is this supposed to mean something??</p>

<p>I have the new calendars as well!! </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone for EA :)</p>

<p>Dear All : While everyone is anxiously waiting for the results and their postal mailings, please let me offer you all an important warning : financial planning. While Boston College will meet 100% of demonstrated need, families in the $150,000 range in annual income with $100,000 in savings and their own home might be surprised how little “demonstrated need” they have. Following the announcement of acceptances, this is the number one let-down area for so many students year-after-year here on College Confidential.</p>

<p>So, we are offering a proactive word of advice. Before you even know your results, sit down with your parents/guardians and other family members and have a serious discussion about what you can REALLY afford to pay to Boston College come August 10th, 2011 BEFORE your package, positive or negative, arrives. Have your financial game plan decided well before the package arrives.</p>

<p>Many of you will ignore this advice, but we hope that a few of you will take our warning seriously and have a very academic game plan in place on the financials before the emotional turmoil takes hold.</p>

<p>I have them as well…but never signed an agreement.</p>

<p>You guys all scared the hell out of me, haha. I see a department calendar, student calendar, and university calendar on the left side, but I didn’t sign any agreement. I also have another thing that says “common services”…it has a directory search under it. </p>

<p>FYI, I’m a senior who applied EA D: only one more week!!!</p>

one more week!!! :0</p>