New USNWR rankings live now

Even for those of us who don’t believe, they are fascinating to see…


Like where will FIU rank:….after coming in #4 of publics in WSJ.

Yep fascinating.

I have no interest in them. Nonsense.


Any rankings or USNWR in particular?


Looking forward to LAC rankings in fact. I think their national university rankings are far too removed from relevant variables for a quality undergraduate education.

I’m looking to see if Charleston rose from Regional Universities South - #9 today.

I think it’s all ridiculous quite frankly.

My son chose a safety and is working with kids from the reach he turned down.

My daughter chose a safety and is at arguably the top think tank in DC this Fall and had 7 offers, 5 paid in DC. And she’s learning a ton - which is what it’s all about - seeing - is this the life I want? Writing/transcribing/organizing, listening to speeches, and meeting dignitaries.

They did matter to me - but I’m now convinced in 98% of cases, most anyone can get to anywhere from anywhere if they want it.

I think that when you talk about Colby or Macalester (who a girl I met in Spain was shocked I had heard of it) or Grinnell or wherever) vs. Wooster or Allegheny or Kalamazoo - I don’t think it matters.

But I agree it’s fascinating.

So is the weekly football poll - but UF smoked UTK yesterday and Coach Prime got his butt whipped although somehow came out on top. Great game.

But polls / ranks - I mean, does anyone believe FIU is the 4th best public in America because US News will say they are the 4th best in Florida.

It’s just they’ve somehow been seen as the gospel.

And of course I’ll look and also respond to the chance mes that only will consider a top 50 even though there are many similar schools below.


Touché on FIU; eh no. I am also interested to see how they react to all of the controversy in terms of results and adjustments to formulae. All nonsense, agreed, but entertaining nonetheless.

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Just waiting to hear how prestigious Purdue is to justify turning it down. A good school - not prestigious in anyone’s mind but a poster who just keeps hyping it. Went from good to elite to whatever in last few months - solid state school - let’s be real here


I have one out of college and one already in college. In the past USNWR rankings were about as important to me at bellybutton lint. Now they’re less important, which is hard to do.


I’m just waiting to see UC Berkeley’s rank to either uncritically proclaim that my alma mater and D’s current university is the number one public university in the universe for now and forever, or to shake my fist bitterly and claim that we were somehow robbed of our rightful place at the top of the public rankings, damn you UCLA!


Purdue engineering (and aviation) is top level. I’m sure they have other strengths too.

And frankly, you’ll have students there that can go toe to toe with your UVA, UNC, now UF, UCB and UCLA. But you can say that about a lot of publics

You’re entitled to your opinion as are others.


Or UF :). They got u in the WSJ.

Of course different schools have strengths in different areas.

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Yes, this is very curious to me…UF has long been an excellent school, but things are changing in the Florida public education system and I am curious how that affects things like number of applications, strength of matriculating class, overall national public perception, course offerings, faculty retention, and on and on…Much of which should eventually affect the ranking.


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They tied us! Cowards!


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See my new substack, “How the US News rankings jumped the shark,” and the companion article, “Prestige by algorithm: GIGO”



Revenge of the public schools.


I’ve moved the newly created thread here.