New York Times [opinion] Article on Liberty U

I’ve gotten pushback and criticism on CC whenever there is a “is XYZ college safe” post- because most posters assume that “dangerous” campuses are urban and are surrounded by “minority” neighborhoods. And I’ve responded that a college which suppresses reporting of crimes is typically MORE dangerous than one which is fully aware of how to keep its students safe. And then more pushback (just last week-- a nasty note when I pointed out that administrators use leverage to make sure that students who were the victims of a sexual assault do NOT report the crime). You can have vans, blue lights, swipe in systems at the dorms- but if you don’t report criminal activity to law enforcement, your students will be lulled into a false sense of “we live in Eden”.

So I’m posting this as a public service. Detailed NY Times article on the various ways that Liberty has not only used its “moral” code to prevent students from reporting crimes, but various other wrongdoing and criminal activity on campus.

We all want our kids to be safe. And I think this article will be eye-opening for many people who want their kids attending a religious institution “because they need a strong moral grounding before going out into the world”.

Yes, it’s a scandal.


Can’t read it - what’s the gist. I mean, they had the Falwell incidents.

What’s the story with the headline? If the piece is about Liberty University, why the mention of the Ivy League?

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