<p>I thought we were ahead of the game here with S going off to be a freshman this fall, but we are not. I was shocked to see that even with 5 kids and a salary of $53K (one worker), we did not qualify for a PELL grant thanks in part to about $9K in child support that will be shrinking as the oldest turns 18 in July. This will leave one kid (15 yo) on child support for 3 more years, the 3 youngest are ours (7,4,3). </p>
<p>I have a couple of questions. I should say up front that merit aid of any type is almost 100% not a factor. We were happy to have him accepted at the three schools he has narrowed down to. His grades and tests scores are very average, at best.</p>
<p>SO far we have gotten one Financial Aid Package with 2 more expected this week. With an EFC of 6200, S was told he was not eligible for FWS at college #1. The college has a COA of $23,400. He got Stafford for 2625, a need based school grant for 5900 and expected PHEAA (state grant) of 3200. This leaves us gapped about 5500 in addition to the 6200 EFC. Does this sound bad?</p>
<p>Waiting on the other packages, does the FWS depend on the school for eligibility? Will most schools look at the loss of child support as a factor? Who determines availability of a Perkins loan, and are there specific requirements? </p>
<p>Also, we checked that we filed 1040 and that 1040A was not possible as that is what we filed, but I guess we really didnt need to as we did not have enough mortgage interest/RE taxes and just used the standard deduction. Our other adjustments were for the child tax credit. We have no assets at all, so did that matter? Does it need changed?</p>
<p>All in all, it never occurred to me that a family that gets back 100% of the federal and state income taxes paid and then some thanks to the child tax credit, and was eligible for reduced lunches at school would be over 50% over the threshold for PELL. I certainly am not complaining about getting tax refunds, but was told by several people in FA offices that with 5 kids we would be fine for PELL/aid, so this is surprising to say the least. S has had no jobs to date as he is an athlete and competes in his sport year round. He will be competing in college as well, NCAA D3 though, so no aid there. Although not a stellar student, he has improved his GPA from 2.2 in 9th to a cumulative 2.9 now, and has a 3.5 this year. He is also being recruited fairly heavily at the D3 level as a potential 4 year starter, so he does have something going for him, I would think. I know it helped him get admitted at least.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for answers or suggestions.</p>