Newbie Questions

<p>Out of all the factors law schools look at: LSAT, GPA, Recommendation, and Personal Statement. Which one of those factors carry more weight?</p>

<p>Does undergraduate major matter? For example, is a 3.9 in liberals arts looked at the same way as a 3.9 in engineering? </p>

<p>Besides college confidential, are there any dedicated forums for law school that you would suggest?</p>

<p>LSAT and GPA are far and away the most important, LSAT even more so than GPA. UG major really doesn’t matter, your GPA from a ‘tough’ major is looked at more or less as the same as a GPA from an ‘easy’ major… if all else is equal (between you and another candidate) the harder one may give you and edge, but all else is never equal. You can also look at,, and</p>

<p>Another Newbie Q:
Do schools take the highest LSAT score? Or do schools average the LSAT score? Or does the LSAC automatically average the LSAT score when they send it to the schools?</p>

<p>Each school has a different policy on LSAT scores. Some average, some take the highest. Your best bet is to check the websites of the schools in which you’re interested, as they should have it posted. Here’s a list of schools that average vs. take the highest score, but it’s not exhaustive, and I’m not sure whether or not it’s up to date:</p>

<p>[Multiple</a> LSAT Scores.](<a href=“]Multiple”></p>

<p>LSAC will always report every LSAT administration’s score.</p>