I am not sure if he is a grad student or an undergrad or doing a post grad fellowship. But he says he is working on research at UA this summer. He gives us a tour of much of the campus. Campus’s beauty comes alive in video better than pics IMO.
Here is part two of his tour: I like his tours better than the ones on the school website.
Thanks for posting! The thing that struck me is how large and expansive the campus looks, which is deceptive, imo. The lack of people in these videos and the filming he chose (lack of editing) make things look barren and somewhat uninviting? I hope he comes back at the end of his REU and posts further videos of what he did over the summer, similar to what he did in 2015 up in South Dakota. 
I enjoyed seeing the campus relatively empty cause when I visit in the Fall on a gameday, the place is so packed with people and activities that it makes it hard to fully enjoy the campus’s beauty.
By the way, do you know which school he goes to, or went to?
This really made my day. I’ve been hanging out with a couple of the REU students this weekend and turns out I know him. He’s an undergrad student from Hastings college.
Aeromom I believe he works in the same lab as your son. Not 100% positive.