there a list of where Bama reps will be across the US at various times?

<p>Is there a link or list we can look at that shows which cities/states Bama reps will be going?</p>

<p>Not Nicole, but just looked at this today!</p>

<p>Go to undergrad admissions and there is a tab “Find your Counselor” which is divided by state.</p>

<p>When you click on state it will introduce you to counselor with contact information and beneath that is a schedule.</p>

<p>Was checking for Ohio. We have a handful of students that have already toured UA, and was wondering how close the counselor would be to our town. Our family has loved Ds experience at Alabama; we have a DS who is a senior and would love for him to go to UA. But he is not as academically driven as D so this may not be feasable.</p>

<p>Back in the day my University gave family discounts…just dreaming!!</p>


<p>Your son should still apply. What’s his major? </p>

<p>If his test scores are good, but not high enough for the university scholarships, he may get awarded a scholarship from the college or dept of his major.</p>

<p>Of course, if he really wants to go to Bama, perhaps that might be an incentive for him to study for the Oct or Nov SAT (math and critical reading sections).</p>

<p>He is taking the ACT in October. He still would not qualify for scholarship.</p>

<p>But he is totally capable of college work; his 2nd grade teacher said he was ready then. Just likes to study things he is interested in!</p>

<p>The family joke is DH will transfer to Huntsville NASA so DS can get in state. But DH is currently on a never ending project!</p>

<p>Omama’s response to the thread question is correct, thanks for the help! Here’s the link: [Find</a> Your Counselor - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Find”> Have a great day!</p>

The family joke is DH will transfer to Huntsville NASA so DS can get in state. But DH is currently on a never ending project! *</p>

<p>Ahhh…the HSV area is sooo nice. Love it.</p>

<p>I love Huntsville, too! I spent the first 2.5 years of my life here, spent the next 15.5 hearing how great and wonderful Huntsville was, then my family moved back when I was 18, one week after I graduated high school. I’ve been here ever since!</p>

<p>DH grew up here from the time he was about 5 or 6 years old. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to get us to leave!</p>

<p>If you’re serious about transferring to NASA, let me know. I have lots of contacts through working for a non-profit org for high-tech government contracting companies, plus DH writes software for the space station (and used to write software for shuttle payload experiments) so he has a bunch of contacts, too. We can always use more good people in Huntsville!</p>

<p>^ will be looking for you when DS graduates in Comp Sci. ;)</p>

<p>^ We’ll be here! Haven’t left in 25+ years, so I doubt I’ll be leaving anytime soon! :)</p>

<p>Interesting that our area rep is going to several prestigious NE prep schools. In the past even the not so great students would find some private college to attend. Now I bet he is talking to nmf’s and other great students. Times they are a changin. Our prep school is not very prestigious, but he is coming for a visit. It would be great if a couple of students besides my S went to talk to him. Then we wouldn’t have to “preach to the choir” so much about 'bama.</p>


<p>My D goes to a large (~1500 students) public high school outside of New Orleans, deep in LSU territory. Yet the Alabama rep is coming to our college fair next week!!</p>

<p>To my knowledge, we didn’t have any NMSFs this year (they didn’t publicize if there were…). We do have a small group of very smart kids in honors/gifted classes, about 10% of the student population. But most of those who go to college from our school stay in state…so there is a very small group of that 10% who look OOS. I guess 'Bama is trying to attract them!</p>

<p>Our Virginia rep has been out visiting schools, as well as college fairs.</p>