<p>I had at least 3 squad leaders that I remember and they all did a great job making sure everyone ate and we did have a decent amount of time to eat.<br>
I even had to go to the Motivational Table with the regiment staff and they also made sure I had ate enough, after I had a great words of wisdom from each of them!
<p>I think eating out of the same kitchen day after day- has to get boring, if not losing points on the rating scale-
and mass produced food is already starting at a disadvantage-</p>
<p>and there are some meals that seem to be more "edible" than others...
and I have to believe that the majority of resturants in the surrounding area make the majority of their profits- if not from the Mids, then from their parents.... </p>
<p>and I will also say that after experiencing a meal during PPW, I have a new appreciation for the need of a supplimentary food allowance- which I promtly doubled....</p>
<p>care packages can get very creative- especially during plebe year- but it can be done....
and hopefully more privilages with the ward room this year-
happily, no report of "stolen food" in our son's company- and lots to "share" and "give away" as well..... (it's amazing how much you can send of something, thinking all along that they love it, only to get a huge "thankyou" from a fellow mid "for all the XXXXXX" that your mid absolutely hated and gave away.....thinking all that canned pasta stuff!!!)</p>
<p>I do know most of his $$$$ went to food....if not all!<br>
But he looks better than ever-- and ALMOST up to his goal of 200 lbs.... (ship food did help with that one...much better!)....
so they do manage to survive-
and peanut butter is a good thing! along with $$$$ (which I accept as a small price for all they get in return.....).... and it's amazing how much joy just shopping for, packing and sending those care packages can bring to a mom's heart! :)</p>
happily, no report of "stolen food" in our son's company
<p>someone stoled my white castle cheeseburgers from the freezer :mad:
still bitter about it</p>
<p>^^^^ I bet!</p>
<p>Plebes did not rate freezers.... let alone cooking.... so I guess this year into the wardroom will bring a new perspective on things! So while I don't know who ate your white castle, I may be eating my words in the months to come! :eek:</p>