Nikki Giovanni is a class act- Bequeaths literary copyrights to VT

<p>What an amazing professor and treasure. She and Virginia Fowler. Just another example of how much pride is felt at that school by the students and faculty alike. I am in awe.</p>

<p>Nikki</a> Giovanni bequeaths copyrights to Va. Tech | Richmond Times-Dispatch</p>

<p>Virginia Tech has a lot of hidden gems that are very underrated: theater, English, Art/Art History, History, Geography.</p>

<p>GoTechGo, </p>

<p>Not to change the subject, but do you, or other upperclassmen/graduates, know anything about the history program at VT? My youngest is very interested in majoring in something related to history but we don’t know much about its strength as a program at Tech…any thoughts?</p>

<p>Basic History Major/ No Option
Global/Comparative Option
Military/Diplomatic/Political Option
Science/Technology/The Environment Option
Social/Cultural/Economic Option </p>

<p>Overall, the history program is adequate for a technically oriented school. We have a Virginia Center for Civil War Studies located on campus and Dr. Robertson (I believe) is one of the utmost experts in Civil War/Southern History. I would also recommend the military/diplomatic option. I took Intro to Military history with Dr. Farrar and Western European Civilization with Dr. Robert Stephens and it was absolutely fascinating and completely new. Both classes I took in the history department were a combination of what objectively happened but also read into many opinions of experts and you are asked to form your own on exams. Very underrated.</p>

<p>Giovanni is awesome. I’ve never had her for a class, but I see her around campus a lot, and she is extraordinarily approachable.</p>