NJ Core Curriculum and Texas Uniform Policy

I want to go to TAMU but I live in NJ and I heard that their OOS acceptance rate is really low. I know that every applicant has to meet the Texas Uniform Policy, so I wanted to know, how similar are the Texas Uniform Policy (if that’s what it’s called) and the NJ Core Standards. I am in the top 25% of my class so I can get in as an academic admit. And also I have phenomenal ECs and my projected SAT is good. Thanks!

And can a NJ student qualify under the Texas Uniform Policy?

If you google the Texas Uniform Policy you should be able to see what they require. The requirements for A&M are also listed on the admissions website. Then it is up to you to make sure you get the classes you need. Most schools curriculum should be sufficient. However, from my experience it is the math that you want to watch out for. D1 and S had no trouble since they both chose to take calculus their senior year in high school. But D2 chose to take personal finance instead (math is not her strongpoint) and did not qualify for a Texas college (we live in RI). But she found another great school, that she loves so it all worked out :slight_smile: Good luck!

Here’s the link http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/coursework/