NMF rejection letters will likely get mailed sometime this week.

@momofsmartdancer That’s exactly what my GC said she would do, but she has to go the principal to get permission to do so. Therefore, taking “WF” would constitute a “change,” so then I could appeal on those grounds, since NM only allows appeals when there is a “change”–which is what I gleaned from my GC’s call to NM; I’m sure I could explain better if I was the one who actually called.


I did google search and found this Florida grade replacement policy:

"Credit Recovery

Working with your guidance counselor at your physical school, students may use Hillsborough Virtual school to retake classes where they made a poor grade. HVS follows the school schedule, so students need to start classes in August or January and as a rule schools do not allow students to drop courses in the middle of a semester.

Grade Enhancement Rules
Students, grade 9‐12, may retake high school credit classes if they received an “F” or a “D” grade. If the new grade is a “C” or better, the old grade will be removed from the GPA calculation. The course stays on the transcript and is “flagged” so it is clear the class was repeated.

Also, if students took a high school credit in middle school (Algebra, etc.), they are allowed to grade forgive “C” grades in addition to “D” and “F” grades. If the student makes a “B” or “A” grade, the “C” will be flagged as described above.

If a student repeats a class and does not improve above the grade forgiveness threshold, they will have both grades on their transcript, so it is important for students to be strategic in their grade forgiveness. For example, if a student made a “C” in Algebra I in her 8th grade year and retook the class in 9th grade, she has to make a “B” or better for the “C” to be forgiven.

See page 66 of the HCPS Student Handbook for a more detailed description."

@momofsmartdancer i don’t know exactly how or why WF was on my transcript. I just hope it can be taken off my transcript. I can’t tell you how much I regret that this has come back to bite me years later; just all this chaos cost me 80k-100k. I don’t think the appeal will be successful but I’m just holding on to the little hope I have.

Stay positive! I’m definitely hoping things will work out for you

Lets hope this is enough. Hopefully the principal sees the big picture and can make this happen!

Crossing my fingers right now! I’ll check back with the GC at the end of the week to see if any progress has been made.

No letter for me today. Whew, that’s another day of oxygen.

@timbercreek16 I’d say you’re safe. I received my letter a week ago, so chances are it would have arrived already.

Aw, my sister didn’t receive a rejection letter. Looks like she’ll be forced to be called a NMF like my other siblings. Well ok she actually wants to be an NMF unlike my brothers LOL.

““Aside from some funny colleges giving scholarship money for it, does anybody actually think that NMF is a worthwhile achievement at all? My two brothers were both NMFs in their day, but they said that they “don’t give a **** about it”. Ok, my brothers are quite strange people but what do other people think?””

““Aw, my sister didn’t receive a rejection letter. Looks like she’ll be forced to be called a NMF””


Kinda what I thought. I’m getting even more anxious now to find out when the principals will know. Have seen the 2nd, and 3rd are when they are notified but don’t know how. That’s when they are mailed, emailed, called? In the brochure for NM it says principals will be notified Jan-Feb. This is torture waiting!

I think I read somewhere on NM website that the letters will get mailed to the schools on 2/3; they gave a specific date instead of just a date range. They are mailed bulk rate and from what I can tell from last year, it took approx. one week for them to get to the schools. So, we are looking at arrival at the schools approx 2/9-2/10.

TY! My nerves are already on end. Another week is going to be agonizing. We have lived here 12+ years and I have never had good USPS here. The post master is aware, but it has never changed. So for us, the proof will come with the notification via the school. My middle son had to take time off from college due to a depression issue. So it’s been really tough dealing with all that and waiting to hear from NM for my daughter. It will come soon enough. Just seems like forever and a week!

Relax all. Time to get thankful, not anxious. While it’s possible letters get lost in the mail, I’m betting if you didn’t get a rejection letter, especially by now, you are “living in the tall cotton.” Relieved as heck my son didn’t get the letter I expected. In a week or so, betting we are all smiling big smiles. Living the dream. Sometimes good things happen despite previous obstacle.

@mom2collegekids Hmmmm indeed. My sister is much more conventional than my brothers. I’m the youngest and I’m like the weighted average of them in terms of how I view these things with weights proportional to how close they are to me in age.

Edit: btw I was joking when I said “she was forced to be called an NMF”; it’s just that we make fun of it a lot but we do appreciate it in certain respects (READ: MONEY).

I received 4 Cs from my 9th to 11th grade year yet surprisingly haven’t gotten any rejection letter yet. I also got a letter in the mail today from a college that referred to me as a Finalist. My house doesn’t really have any history of bad mail. Could there actually be a chance that I advanced to Finalist or did something most likely go wrong? I live in Georgia, 2000 on SAT, UW GPA is about 3.3.


Can you tell us more?

Were the C’s quarter grades? Did you end up with B’s for semester grades? Does your school only list a year-end grade on transcripts?

If you ended up with B’s for semester grades…or your school only lists year-end grades on the transcript, then NMCorp may have only seen 1 C.

Are you sure that your UW is that low?

I don’t know if colleges would yet know either way.

National Merit does not publish a general list of National Merit Finalists in the way they do for the semifinalists. The only way a school will know an applicant is a Finalist is by receiving that Finalist’s name because they have listed the school as their First Choice. Those pools of names don’t start getting sent to schools until March 1.

Did the letter actually say something like “Congratulations, ECPxUnonius, on being a NM Finalist!” or is it just a description of their Finalist scholarship, saying something like “As a Finalist, you will receive…”. The latter does not necessarily confirm you are a Finalist.

If I was a college admissions officer in charge of NMF recruitment, all I would need to know is that you are a semifinalist who has applied to my school, that the odds are 15:1 that you will be a Finalist, and that those letters from NM Corp are being mailed to semifinalists this week. Given that, I would send you Finalist literature reminding you of the benefits at my school now before you would make your First Choice designation because I am trying to recruit you to designate my school. I don’t need to know for sure you are a Finalist. The offer is still dependent on you ultimately meeting the criteria of being named a Finalist.

Starring Friday perhaps and for sure by Tuesday, counselors are going to start sharing the good news. Let’s hear some celebrations people!

Any word today from any schools? Not here in Florida.