NMF rejection letters will likely get mailed sometime this week.

susieknits, first posters are likely going to be home school principals. Guessing we’ll see somebody pop Friday or Saturday. Have to admit, no rejection letter SHOULD be calming but the possibility of a lost letter still is out there…why they can’t just email or send to their National Merit accounts is baffling

No school for my daughter today due to snow so we are definitely into next week for notification. She was accepted ED to a school that doesn’t have an NM scholarship so hoping for one of the direct NM awards or a corporate sponsored award. Not sure when her school would receive the letter. Another honor-type letter first went to the district superintendent’s office (which is in a different town), then forwarded to her principal before he forwarded to her guidance counselor.

My GC said the letter will likely arrive by Tuesday. I’ve been waiting for almost two weeks now, a few more days can’t hurt

timbercreek16, worst case, they mail letters to the students on Tuesday likely so…will here directly by about Feb 13 likely. It’s grueling wait, isn’t it:)

this might not be the right thread for this question, but does anyone know when the special corporate NMSC notifications come out? The memo I have from my Dad’s company said January, but the rules document says March.

I tried giving NMSC a call; they still won’t give out any information. Darn, I thought that would work cause I remember reading somewhere on here that it worked for somebody else

Another update: I talked to my school and district about getting that WF off my transcript (as I’m pretty sure that kept me from moving on to NMF). Both school and district officials were adamant that that WF could not be taken off, even though it does not factor into my GPA. So I cannot appeal. I’m pretty much accepted the fact that I won’t be a NMF, but I’m working on applying for other scholarship opportunities to help defray the cost of college. Good luck to you all as you move on to the next stage!

@jenkath If I remember correctly, the notification to students of special scholarships at our company came out after the NM Finalists were notified of the corporate-sponsored scholarships (S’s letter was dated March 13 last year). So it was at least late March. However, it is possible that the company knows earlier.

@jenkath Are you asking about the NM scholarships from corporations? or are you asking about NM Special Scholarships from corporations that are given to top students who didn’t make NMSF/F?

home school principals, is today the day we find out? share if you got your letter…I’m assuming regular schools will take a day or two to get through the administrators. either way, this week is the big week. Will be nice to have this out of the way, won’t it:) It’s like the old Heinz Ketchup commercials…Anticipation is making me wait:)

We homeschool, and I will post as soon as we receive our letter. I was the first person on here to post about receiving the SF letter, I think, so ours apparently comes quickly. I’m currently stalking the mailbox.

Good news all…homeschooler (not me) in Missouri reports receiving letter and Certificate TODAY. It’s on…tomorrow is going to be a big day and each day the rest of the week will have more reports! F I N A L L Y

My daughter’s school also received her letter on Monday (Indiana).

Celebrating in St Louis. All four of the semifinalists at son’s school made it. Son received Finalist status despite two Cs in AP Classes (Pre-Calc and US History) Agonizing wait given so many said 1 C would knock him out. Counselor and recommending teacher wrote letters that explained that he missed 40 days of school in first three years. Not sure how they figure things but didn’t hurt. For those reading in subsequent years, tackle the problem early and get counselors/teachers to help. Senior year grades don’t help your case. God is good!

Congratulations! :smiley:

In Ohio and haven’t received any word yet - with a 4.0 and a 2220 on the SAT, is there any chance I didn’t make it? I’m probably psyching myself out but since others in the Midwest have heard, I’m worried

@redandblack, your school will get notification first. They may have it today, or it may not have been opened yet. Check with guidance office.

redandblack, if you didn’t get a rejection letter, there is little to worry about. if you didn’t get a rejection letter and you don’t have any C’s or D’s, there is even less to worry about. Last year it took a week for some people to get letters etc…National Merit sends letters directly to your house on Feb 10…worst case, add a week to that and you’ll have letter at your house by Feb 17 …but I’m guessing you will find out by Friday. You’re in good shape if you didn’t get the rejection letter.

@RedbirdDad congrats, but I thoought your son made it last year?

mom2collegekids, nope, my son is a senior…and we’re deep in the middle of sorting through schools. Right now, Purdue is leading the way though the Finalist scholarships at Alabama, Oklahoma, Arizona, Arizona State, Baylor and Minnesota will be intriguing. Waiiting on Rose-Hulman, USC, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Cal Poly and Santa Clara. Got declined by Illinois for Computer Program. Onward and upward.