NMF rejection letters will likely get mailed sometime this week.

@RedbirdDad Wow that is a lot of schools! Application fees limited me to just two schools (technically one since UCF waived my application fee).

@Timbercreek…it was a lot of schools…14 total. Seven were specifically for National Merit choices, three were reach schools, four were targets with likely little/no scholarships; IN our case, three or four didn’t have application fees and about $1,000 provided options. Figured we’d check out many schools up front so that we don’t need to the second time for second son. Next time, we’ll mostly check out the schools he won’t get scholarships at because we now know how it works with top Nat Merit scholarships.

@timbercreek16 Did you know that you can call colleges that you are interested in and tell them your status as a SF and most likely NMF and a lot of them will waive the application fees. We have even got tons of mail regarding NMF awards packages and they have included, in the material, fee waiver offers.


Which schools waived fees? Is it the same ones that give the big scholarships?

Baylor, MInnesota and Rose Hulman had no fees for our son.

I think we only paid for one school’s app fee (Alabama)…the rest were privates and they waived for NMSF.

@RedbirdDad congrats…I momentarily confused you with @GoAskDad whose son made it last year.