No Answer for one Math Problem?

<p>I'm not going to describe the math problem, as I am not allowed to, but did anybody else have a multiple choice math problem where there was seemingly no answer? </p>

<p>I tried it, I reread the problem 4-5 times, and two other people agreed with me that they could not figure out an answer to the problem. It's ****ing me off haha.</p>

<p>yes! it was a geometry question and it was the last of a section... i had no choice but to put "cannot be determined with information given". i memorized the problem and the answers and went over it SO many times at home afterward and determined none of the other answers could have been correct... that question was bugging me too but i hope this makes u feel better</p>

<p>Yeah, I had one. Then I thought I was getting close to an answer just as time was called.</p>

<p>That was an experimental. I had no problems with a "It cannot be determined from the information given" option.</p>

<p>Does everyone get the same exact SAT? Because on mine all geometry questions were very much answerable.</p>

<p>No. One each SAT there is an "experimental" section. Test makers use it to test out new questions- but it doesn't count towards your score.</p>

<p>Hmm....I had one where I was completely thrown for a loop. It was the last one on the last math section as well. I didn't put an answer down (only one I did it for). Maybe it'll work!</p>

<p>I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I'll post it anyway...</p>

<p>Was the problem with the overlapping squares part of one of the experimental section or did everybody have it?</p>

<p>I had no questions where "cannot be determined" was an answer choice.</p>

<p>Everyone had it.</p>

<p>I had no questions where "cannot be determined" was an answer choice.</p>

That one had an answer, or at least I believe so</p>

<p>So is experimental generally harder, easier, or mixed? Beacause there were a few sections where it was very easy and I'm worried they may have been experimental, which would suck.</p>