No foreign language

<p>i came to the states from another country when i was a soph…so it was too much to take a language other than english…so i lack one of a-g requirements…but i got a 800 on korean…which is really common to many native koreans…</p>

<p>does anyone know who much lacking foreign language would hurt me??</p>

<p>I think that makes you non-UC elligible.</p>


<p>that i dont agree...cause i heard that lacking foreign language is not uncommon among immigrants who came during high school year...</p>

<p>I think you'll be alright if you can explain your situation.</p>

<p>There is another way to qualify for UC-eligible is through scoring high on SATI and SAT subject tests.</p>

<p>Since you starting attending school at the sophomore level in the US I'm assuming you completed the equivalent to grades 6-9 in Korea. If in these grades, the language of instruction was not English then the "e - Language Other than English" requirement will be satisfied. Please see <a href=""&gt;;/a> for all the additional ways the "e" requirement can be satisfied including "Formal Schooling in a Language Other Than English."</p>

<p>thanks everyone......</p>