<p>I'm a high school junior right now aspiring to go to Harvard. I've always wanted to go and I have fair credentials. However, I'm an international (canadian, if that makes any difference) and an asian. Those are just two of my "problems". My family isn't very well off and even IF I do get accepted, I always wonder if I will be able to pay out the tuition. Then, a few days ago someone I met asked me where I wanted to go for college. I told him I wanted to go to Harvard and we talked a lil bit about tuition and my concerns. He said tuition should be the last thing I worry about with schools such as Harvard because monetary issues don't become a problem once I get accepted. Is this true? Is tuition really not that big of a problem once you get accepted? How does fin.aid/scholarship work with colleges like H? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Harvard financial aid is awesome. Their admissions officers like to say that no one has ever declined to attend Harvard because they couldn’t afford it.</p>
<p>Check this link out:</p>
<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/international/financial_aid/index.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/international/financial_aid/index.html)</p>
<p>I applied for Financial Aid as a Foreign Citizen and got a full ride.
You should have no problem. Harvard is very generous.</p>
<p>Money is not an obstacle. Their financial aid is amazing.</p>
<p>Harvard has pledged to maintain its lavish financial aid. </p>
<p>[Harvard</a> University Office of the President | Letter from President Faust about the global economic crisis](<a href=“http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/081110_economy.html]Harvard”>http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/081110_economy.html) </p>
<p>Good luck in your applications.</p>
<p>Today, it was just on the news that Harvard (and other Ivys) is looking to cut back on spending. </p>
<p>[FOXNews.com</a> - Harvard Cutting Spending in Wake of Economic Downturn - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News](<a href=“http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,450086,00.html]FOXNews.com”>http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,450086,00.html)</p>
<p>Does this still mean that their financial aid can and will be the same? And if they do promise the same level of aid, will they now be “need-nearsighted” instead of “need-blind” when it comes to admissions. I find it hard to believe that with their expressing financial concerns that there would be absolutely no impact on admissions/financial aid.</p>
<p>Prior to the economic crisis, their endowment was worth $36 billion. Even it its value is now down somewhat, the extent of H’s wealth is staggering. It is the best-funded university in the world; Yale is second, but H’s endowment is nearly double Yale’s.</p>
<p>But then why would they even need to worry about cutting spending or is the total money given in financial insignificant compared to other spending.</p>
<p>[Harvard</a> University Office of the President | Letter from President Faust about the global economic crisis](<a href=“http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/081110_economy.html]Harvard”>http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/081110_economy.html) </p>
<p>The financial aid commitment is locked in. Maybe something else will be deferred, while the financial markets are down, but the financial aid is already budgeted and securely funded.</p>
<p>Thank God.</p>
<p>Tokenadult can you re-post the link to tips on admissions process thread? It disappeared all of a sudden…It was really helpful</p>
<p>That’s the link in my signature (at present–signatures can be reset).</p>
<p>thank you…</p>