No. of new posts not updating when read

I’m having a technical issue but it only happens on some threads. The one from the [student whose parents want her to lie on the FAFSA]( is one of them.

I’ve read all the posts and advanced to page 2 a day or two ago. Yet when I signed in this morning it dumped me back on page 1 and indicated there were ~28 new posts when really there were only 2 I hadn’t read.

Other threads, such as the long Covid threads, do take me back to exactly where I left off. I’m on an Android. I’ll check my PC & Mac this afternoon to see if it happens on those devices. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it possible I’m missing an update or something?

I’m having the same issues. I noticed it yesterday. And as you said, only on some threads. Very odd.

Same, and only on an occasional thread. Most are fine.

Thanks for reporting! I’ll see if I can reproduce this and will inform the tech team.

Thanks, @CCadmin_Sorin. I’ll check my other devices and report back.

Having the same issue, and again it is only occasionally, not on every thread.

I’ve been having the same problem on my iPhone. The big Covid threads are some of my issues. But other threads are okay.