<p>I recently realized that our school, which doesn't rank, might actually be worse than being ranked.</p>
<p>The reason is that the school still sends the school profile that AT LEAST has the highest and the lowest GPA and might show more.</p>
<p>Showing only the extremes may be a worse scenario for me because our school doesn't really have inflation</p>
<p>Top 5 students are like UW 3.9. I've never seen a 4.0 cumulative.
But there usually is this one student that will have close to 4.0 like 3.97, 3.98 something like that and then the runner up will be like 3.91, 3.92 ish. So there's a big leap.</p>
<p>I think Adcoms are used to the fact that many schools refuse to rank their students. (I think the number of schools refusing to rank may be growing, not sure.)</p>
<p>maybe someone can answer this…</p>
<p>Is a student with strong stats penalized for coming from a school that doesn’t rank?</p>
<p>If so, how do they handle homeschooled kids - they obviously don’t rank, either. LOL</p>